Update: Got time to play again with the Chronos and … huuu, fu**. There was a big mistake in the old version – all bits must be (old+1)%8… its corrected now.
This is a „cheat sheet“ that contains the assignment of the LCD_B memory (0x0a20 to 0x0a2b) and its bits to the wristwatch’s display elements.

src: base image taken from SLAU292C (p.77, LCD segment map)
as .pdf
as zipped svg
this is a plain collector article about gnu screen. in the early days I used screen only for running processes that should last after I’ve logged out. now-days it’s comfortable for debugging programs and/or running [virtual] kernels/machines in one terminal. to screen-able your shell simply run screen (>screen). the following snipped gives a short overview about the most common shortcuts you could use in screen…
(C = CTRL)
C+a c new screen-session
C+a A set name for the window
C+a w show list of all windows in status bar
C+a " show list of all windows (up/down for select, enter to open)
C+a N show number and title of current window
C+a ' switch to given window (0..n + enter)
C+a 1…n switch to window with given number
C+a n switch to next window
C+a p switch to previous window
C+a S split current window horizontally
C+a | split current window vertically
C+a TAB switch to the next region
C+a X close the current region
C+a Q close all regions but the current
C+a q send C+q to the current region
C+a d detach window from terminal
reattach with screen -r <pid_of_screen>
C+a [ start copy and scroll mode, use cursor up/down for scrolling/move cursor
press enter to start marking text, press enter second time->marked text is copied to buffer
C+a ] paste current buffer to stdout
C+a > paste current buffer to /tmp/screen-exchange
C+a < read data from /tmp/screen-exchange
C+a : screen command prompt
C+a ? list key-bindings
C+a v outputs screen version
C+a K exit&close screen session
you can also define your own bindings and beside the already bounded commands there are tons of it you can use in the screen-prompt (have a look to the man’s, most used by me is hardcopy -h – it simply dumps the current content of the region into a file).