collected: compile Qt on Ubuntu 12.04 and other snippets from work…

posted by on 2012.07.18, under general, linux, programming, userland

After some sporadic crashes of a Qt-application (not my fault – gdb says it comes from the QT core…, Ubuntu 12.04/32, QT SDK 4.8.1 binary) I decided to build Qt from the sources… but configure failes with „missing xlib“-errro. solution:

sudo apt-get install libxext-dev

for using the full beauty and power of Qt the following additional devel-deps should be installed:

sudo apt-get install libXrender-dev libicu-dev libfontconfig1-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev

… easy. huh?!?
for proper fonts & style run configure with the parameters „-gtkstyle -fontconfig -glib“ – or it looks wired…

configure throws some warnings/errors about missing dependencies… that reminds me that self-checking for a given library can be done with

pkg-config --cflags <libname>

it returns the compile-flags (mostly paths) or an error if the lib is not present. by replacing the –cflags with –libs the needed linker flags are dumped.

the following snipped was/is useful for dumping log-data:

cat `ls  -lrt | sort -k6,8 -r | awk 'NR==1{ print $9 }'`

it prints the oldest file in the directory to stdout (ohh… we assume there are only regular files).

why writing this down?!? Qt is still compiling… nothing left to do… should read a book.
