collected: svn relocate & add all subdirs but not…

posted by on 2011.11.14, under general, programming

After some changes in our infrastructure@work svn failed to find the server… (svn info shows you the url). huh, seen&solved years ago… and now here so I can’t miss the information in the future.

~>svn switch --relocate <old_addr> <new_addr>

I also found a piece of old script I wrote years ago for adding subdirs in svn but not a given set of name directorys and file-extensions:


# script add all but not
# add all files not versioned in and below the current dir to the svn
# exeptions: ignore_dir and ignore_file_suffix (seperated by |)

#ignore directory paths with names...
#ignore files with names...

list=`svn status | grep ? | awk {'print $2'}`

for l in $list

  to_add=`echo "$l \<($ignore_dir)\> \<($ignore_file_suffix)\>$" \
      | awk '{
        where = match($1, $2)
          if (!where) {
            where = match($1, $3)
              if (!where)
                print 1
                print 0
          } else
            print 0   

  if [ $to_add -gt 0 ] ; then 
    echo "+++ADDITION+++"$l
    svn add $l
    echo "---IGNORE---"$l


By commenting out the „svn add$I“ you can do a „try run“.

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